Friday, May 28, 2010

weekly lesson #7

I learned this week that some people know just what to say to make your day:)

I spent Thursday afternoon getting a way too expensive manicure and pedicure, and enjoying every minute of it! The mani & pedi was a special treat from my husband and kids, and it was practically magical:)

While the nice lady was giving me my pedicure she glanced up at one point and did a double take when she noticed my wedding rings. She asked me uncertainly if I was married. I told her that I was, and then she asked me for how long. I told her I had almost been married 7 years. Her eyes got pretty big, and she told me I looked like I should be in high school:)

After the pedicure was done, I moved over to a table for my manicure. Another nice lady worked on my hands. Once she had finished painting my nails, we started talking, and she mentioned that she couldn't believe it was almost 7 pm. She asked me if I had already had dinner, to which I responded no. Listen to this...she looked me dead in the eye, and asked me if my mother was going to have dinner waiting on me when I got home from the nail salon!!!!! I told her no, because I was married. She said she had thought I was a high school student. (side note: she never saw that I was wearing wedding rings. I took them off before she came to the table because of all the lotion and oil they put on you.)

I've always looked younger than my age. For as long as I can remember I've gotten comments when people find out how old I am. Even back in my teenage years. On up into my early 20s, it would make me mad that people thought I was younger than I was. Not sure why, it just did. In the last couple of years (since I became a mom), I've gotten these comments less. Maybe because I look old and tired all the time. Maybe just because I have two little ones tagging along everywhere I go. Now when people comment on how old I look, it's usually in a check-out line, and it sounds something like this: "You don't look old enough to have two kids."

When those two women at the nail salon told me I looked like a high school student they really made my day! Without even knowing it, they told me I looked 10 years younger than I am. I personally think they must not have great vision...there's no way I could seriously pass for 18 again, but it made me smile anyway! Just last week I celebrated 10 years of being out of high school, and according to these ladies, it looks like I never left:)

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