Friday, April 16, 2010

weekly lesson #1

Never, NEVER, go to the store, even for a short length of time with Griff (my 19 month old), but no baby wipes! I'm sure this one sentence could stand alone, but I'll elaborate a little.

This past Tuesday, squash casserole was on my menu. After breakfast, I started setting out my ingredients for the dish, and realized that it called for two eggs. It's been several months since I've made this casserole, and I had completely forgotten about the needed eggs. Just the day before, I had used my last two to make blueberry muffins. Even though a trip to the grocery store was not in our Tuesday plan, the kids and I headed out to get the eggs.

In hindsight, I probably should have just postponed the squash casserole until next week, and made something that didn't need eggs. But I didn't!

We get to the store, and run in for our items. Yes it's plural now, because while driving there, I thought of a few other things I should just go ahead and grab, so another emergency trip was not needed. We are in and out in less than 30 minutes. When we get back to our vehicle, I crank the car, then load the groceries in the back. I then get Jules (my 3 year old) buckled in her car seat, and drive the shopping cart to the cart holder with Griff still buckled in. When I get him out of his seat, there is a nice wet spot on the side of his shorts! His diaper had leaked, and it was poop! I open the back of our SUV, and while holding him, rearrange the groceries, so there is a little space for him to lay. Thankfully, I had a diaper with me, but the wipes were MIA! It was a stinky job that I quickly realized tissue (for that's all I had) would not thoroughly remove. I gave up, put a clean diaper on him, strapped him in his seat, and drove like mad home!

I learn from my mistakes! If you ever see me out with my kids, you can be guaranteed a pack of wipes will be close by!

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