Tuesday, April 27, 2010

6 germiest places

My Nanny gives me stacks of old magazines, and when I have the time, I flip through them. Mainly I enjoy looking for recipes or craft ideas, but sometimes something else will jump off the page at me...some random story or bit of info.

I thought these facts were part interesting and part creepy. They came from the December 2009 Woman's Day magazine.

The 6 Germiest Places
  1. Shopping Cart - 80% of shopping carts tested had traces of E. coli on them
  2. Cutting Board - More harmful bacteria are here than on a toilet seat
  3. First-floor Elevator Button - Most punched elevator button, so it is highly germy
  4. ATM Enter Key - Another popular button
  5. Your Desktop - Bacteria are higher here, because you spend so much time in this one area
  6. Playground - Bacteria (including fecal bacteria) are all over playgrounds

Lovely, huh?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! That is so gross about shopping carts!!!! I am glad someone invented shopping cart covers for kids.....and hand sanitizer! Ha! Thanks for sharing! I will be even more germ conscious now! LOL
