Today I got to have a little "me" time. That's right, 2 whole hours without my kids. It was a totally unexpected couple of hours, and definitely 2 hours I would have much rather spent with my kids. Heck, I would have rather watched paint dry or grass grow! Why? Because my 2 hours alone were spent in the emergency room (and they wouldn't let the kids go back, so Patrick took them to walmart instead).
I'm ok. There was no blood or broken bones. Just a horrible case of food poisoning! It started late Friday afternoon after a meal at - dare I say it - Taco Bell. I won't go into the yucky details, but lets just say I felt like I was pregnant again...nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and stomach cramps that went all the way up my back and mirrored the way I felt when I was in labor with Griff. On a side note, I was just starting to get
minor baby fever, since my youngest will be 2 in a couple of months. Let's just say that this weekend nipped that fever in the bud. No new babies for me, thank you.
They drew blood, took a urine sample, and gave me an IV of fluids laced with antibiotic for pain. I started to feel much better, and even enjoyed playing a little Diner Dash 2 on my cell phone. The final diagnosis: acute gastroenteritis. Actually, the doctor said it is either food poisoning or a virus. There's just no way to know with 100% certainty without a stool sample. And my body was not excited nor willing to hand one over. Instead they've sent me home with a little kit to collect one myself and bring it to their lab when I do. I'm, of course, praying for a miraculous healing before I have to "go" again, so no stool sample will be needed.
As I'm typing this, I still feel a bit weak, but not nauseous. Come tomorrow morning I should start feeling a good bit better, because Patrick is going to fill my Vicodin and Zofran prescription. Oh how I would love to be doped up tonight, but the nearest 24 hour pharmacy is just too far. Patrick's willing to make the drive, but honestly, I would just rather have him home with me.
I've spent over 48 hours feeling puny, so maybe, just maybe, I'll be back to my old self soon. Goodness, all I've ate today was a strawberry cereal bar and about 8 tater tots. I'm starving! But, I'm too scared to eat - afraid of a relapse! I'll tell you what, when I do get my appetite back, I already told Patrick we're heading to a buffet:)